I can still picture myself sitting there…
I will never forget that moment when I first came in contact with the term ‘new age’ children.
I can still picture myself sitting there, at a lecture in a church, and KNOWING from that moment on that I would teach about the subject of sensitive people.
It was not a lightbulb moment, it was a strong knowing…in total faith.
That specific evening, around 22 years ago, had changed my life.
Of course life gives you what you have to learn, life happens, in order to fulfil your purpose on earth and for me it resulted in helping highly sensitive people globally.
As a loving Legacy Leader, it moves me deeply to guide sensitive people from overwhelm, to becoming empowered, to pursuing their ‘big why’ purpose in life, into leaving a legacy in other people who then become leaders who make a difference in the world.
I am most thankful that their progress, according to their own definition of success, creates a ripple effect for their partners, children, family and friends.
When your loved ones notice that you are working on your personal growth and development, it inspires your sensitive family members to also explore their situation from another perspective.
Of course some will certainly not admit it, but you will notice it in their non-verbal language and energy.
I know it is easier said than done, because personal development usually comes with an extra set of challenges.
Here is an example:
“I liked the old version of you better”.
When family members share their ‘insights’ with you it can trigger you immensely.
All the alarm bells will go off, even in your physical body and your primitive nervous system might want you to adjust to their expectations.
Which is normal, sometimes you also just want things “to be back to normal”.
‘Staying true’ to yourself sounds easy and it appears simple.
Yet, you can choose to face it or adjust to other people’s expectations of you and stay stuck.
When you adjust it will provide you with a lot of complementary overwhelming sense of overthinking.
When you want to stay true to yourself it will be challenging, but gift you with a long-term satisfaction in your future life.
It’s not my intention that you will now be judging yourself. I always show my clients not to be too hard on themselves.
What I am emphasising on is that you are worthy of deciding what feels most aligned.
I am curious, which choice will you make from this day on?