Parents, please don’t rob your children of these valuable learning experiences.
Parents can have the tendency to rob their children of valuable learning experiences in this quarantine, not on purpose though.
Okay, if you are in your last year of school and have ended your exams that might be a different story and the following might not apply.
Children nowadays can be raised like little CEO’s and they don’t necessarily want to be, but some children have to be and attend various planned activities.
Many children are involved in too many activities and that is not always the choice of the child.
For example, Monday is soccer day, Tuesday is music lessons, Wednesday is hockey, etc. Some children don’t even have time to attend a birthday party that they really want to go to, because there is a sport going on that they must attend.
A child is over scheduled, it’s planned for them when they are taxied everywhere. And then we wonder why children grow so tall during summer holiday.
I see the school schedules all over Facebook and it deeply bothers me.
Structure is in some circumstances overrated.
Please hear me out, many parents can have the tendency to strive for perfection. You don’t have to feel guilty if your child doesn’t do as much school work as usual. Your child’s progress doesn’t say anything about your personality.
Your child won’t fall behind in the way you think. Actually, they will learn more essentials than in school.
This is the time in life where they will learn what becoming resilient is and learn valuable things.
These epidemics will occur more frequently in the future.
So, they will need to learn how to cope with a very flexible mindset everytime something like this happens when they have to alter their lives in the future. Even more than we do, because their life will look totally different than ours.
So, please parents, let your child be bored during these months at home. Don’t over schedule and plan everything during these days of quarantine.
Being bored is often where creativity is born; the greatest resourceful gift you can give your child …boredom. Pure gold!
Children or adults who are used to having planned everything out for them will need to learn to stay out of the amygdala part of their brain (the fight, flight and freeze part) during these situations. I can absolutely help you with that.
And this is exactly what you need to give your immune system a boost and protect yourself from viruses.
So, let your children be soooo bored, that they have even inspected the empty toilet paper roll twice or more.
I do understand, though that if you have a child with a disorder that has special needs you will need to be ‘resourceful inventive’ and that can be tough on the parents.
Create in freedom, sleep in, play games together, let your child decide something for once.
Now is the time to enjoy your children, create memories, and do the things that you are normally too tired to do or don’t have the time to do.
School is for academics, but experiencing real life is Wisdom.