Sensitive men can sometimes think they have to act in a certain way.
Imagine a party, you are standing around other guys, trying to fit in.
You might admire that the other men talk freely and that is something that you would also like to be able to do.
The pressure of expectations are felt and you might know that you don’t think in the same ways.
In the first place you might wonder what you are doing there anyway, because you find the monosyllabic things that are discussed shallow or superficial and above all a huge waste of your time.
You just don’t dig these types of conversations, you long for deep meaningful connections and you pick the people you interact with carefully.
Maybe you recognize the gatherings around the coffee machine at work where the masculine energy can be celebrated as the only supreme.
Competition and impressing others is not your cup of tea. But still you also long to be accepted and at the same time you know the people in front of you don’t speak your language.
On the other hand you think it is not worth all the energetic effort and with ease you let yourself tune out. But still…the feeling of ‘lack’ or shall I call it the ‘feeling of incompetence’ stays with you.
Maybe in these situations you catch yourself acting in a certain way where your verbal, your non verbal and mental thoughts aren’t aligned to how you normally show up. On top of that you are then internally disliking that feeling of acting differently than who you are in your core, because you know it’s never how you truly feel.
Sometimes you’d rather interact with the house pet, the elderly or the children at the party because according to you they understand life.
When you look around you at the party it might ‘seem’ so much easier for women and gay people, because to you it might look like they have a group they belong to… it feels like it’s times two hardship for you as a sensitive men.
The funny thing is that you can sometimes feel which of the other men (plus the non highly sensitive men) are also not speaking from their truth and are wearing a mask just to fit in as a survival strategy. No judgement there, we all experienced this in our lives…actually you feel for them. You do understand the survival strategy component, because a mask slips on easily and is hard to get rid of.
The talented ability to observe which of the men are fighting their sensitivity by trying to control others during a conversation makes you feel compassion for them, because you know that they aren’t aware or haven’t accepted their beautiful character trait of high sensitivity yet.
You wonder though, how some of the other men don’t seem that exhausted of wearing that mask…at least it doesn’t show externally.
I want to share with you the fact that you are already ‘whole’, you are normal, there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you and you don’t need to be fixed as a sensitive man.