Susanne de Munck Mortier
3 min readOct 17, 2019

Strict boundaries are crucial for Highly Sensitive Teachers.

Back when I was a teacher, sometimes it was a blur as to how I arrived at school in the mornings.

I was so dedicated, focused, very often physically tired and always mentally motivated.

I worked and created during evenings, weekends, holidays and “of course I want to fill in for you” when a colleague asked me.

No doubt I always wanted to, but I didn’t always feel like it.

At the time I wasn’t able say NO, because my feelings of guilt were even heavier than the work of filling for that day. I thought everyone felt guilt as I did!

My own empathic sensitive brain wasn’t aware that not everyone is so affected by not setting boundaries. Some people just go on with their days. How surprised I was when I heard that what my colleague had to do that day! It was not even in comparison of importance for what I gave up in order to fill in for her.

You see, highly sensitive teachers can be so passionate, this is also the reason why you became a teacher in the first place! Probably to serve others and help children. That is exactly where the pitfall is.

Serve others…In this story where are you as a person?

In the system of thinking of a teacher…boundaries don’t always exist. In other professional settings boundaries are more common and accepted, then why aren’t they as a sensitive teacher?

I strongly believe that teachers have one of the most important professions in the world and I honor their life’s choice to teach. Being a teacher already means that you have so much talent in various areas. Your talent could be used in so many other occupations, but you choose education.

Teaching is a conscious choice. It is a top sport without the reward of an athlete, without a balanced salary and often without respect. Many days, teachers go without appreciation for spending so much time and energy on the job.

The sensitive teachers that I guide often shrug that off. They are tired but blame themselves for being ‘physically’ weak, continue pleasing others, and feeling guilty of not doing ‘everything’ when they usually are already doing ‘everything’. If they work on improving these skills to avoid burn out or other physical ailments they are lucky.

We need you sensitive teachers, you have the gift of understanding our highly sensitive children.

Take care of yourself first, because we know you deserve it!

How are you taking good care of yourself as a sensitive teacher?

Join my Facebook group for Highly Sensitive Teachers here

If you want support with learning how to set boundaries for yourself, without the guilt afterwards, send an email to Susanne for a Free 30 minute video call to get to know each other and chat about your situation:

Susanne de Munck Mortier
Susanne de Munck Mortier

Written by Susanne de Munck Mortier

Founder Coaching, Education, Activities for Highly Sensitive Children, Teens and adults. Email

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